Ecumenical and Interfaith Programs

Nourishing opportunities on campus for spiritual and religious growth

Due to our United Methodist heritage, UIndy is committed to supporting the spiritual health of all our students, regardless of their religious tradition or whether they have a religious commitment at all. While many of our students ascribe to Christianity, we seek to minister to students from various walks of life.

We emphasize both open hospitality to all persons and a commitment to deep spiritual development. Thursday nights, the chapel is filled with the Christian students, singing and praising God. The next day, a group of Muslim students gather as they prepare for afternoon prayers. These deeply faithful communities help make a beautifully diverse religious life on campus.



Our mission is to nourish opportunities for the spiritual growth of students, faculty and staff. Recognizing the plurality of voices (religious and non-religious) on the campus, the EIP Office seeks to create space(s) for individuals and groups to give and receive hospitality to one another.

Ecumenical Christianity

  • Invites each person to bring the best of their religious tradition as a gift to the entire community.  
  • Is not “watered-down,” but "enriched" as Jesus followers respond to the call and vision of unity witnessed in texts such as John 17, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12.  
  • Does not seek to conform others to "our" image, but respects the validity and diversity of traditions whom proclaim Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Lord.

communion cup


Interfaith Dialogue

  • Creates space where the inherent dignity (as Christians and others would say, "the image of God") is recognized in all people and in all religious traditions.
  • Creates communities where the individual's convictions may be safely expressed without fear of persecution.
  • Is relational dialogue - requiring us to give and receive hospitality.